Friday, June 4, 2010

iPad FAQs: Is it worth getting an iPad or are they rubbish? Part One - reposted by Andre Di Cioccio

20100603 rubbish01 iPad FAQs: Is it worth getting an iPad or are they rubbish? Part One

Before you all go scrolling in anger down to the comments box below, just stay with me a second. I’m not going to dis’ the iPad. Well, not too much anyway. I thought I’d take the ‘other’ view for a change, maybe play devil’s advocate, and have a look at some reasons why, indeed, the iPad is just a load of old rubbish…

20100603 rubbish02 iPad FAQs: Is it worth getting an iPad or are they rubbish? Part One

Q. Does size matter?
A. Erm, yes…. And for once, smaller is better. My iPhone is just so neat and cool and powerful, yet it slips away into my pocket or boy-bag when I don’t need it. Then you get the iPad. Let’s face it; you’re going to look a 1990’s rapper humping one of those things around. Brand loyalty and image? Yes. Less is more: ask Louis Vuitton.

Q. What about functionality?
A. I’ve already got more functionality than I can cope with. I’ve got my iPhone when I’m out and about, hooked up to receive emails or Facebook updates. When I’m at home there’s my Macbook waiting to be caressed. This may also sound offensive to some people, but sometimes, just sometimes, I don’t want to be reached. I want to turn the damn things off. So why would I buy yet another “locate and contact” device when all I want is to be left alone?

Q. But isn’t the iPad great for playing games.
A. Yes, it is. Some think that people who play games on their iPhone’s look like geeks who need to get a life. I’m not saying I do, just passing on the love. iPad boasts its largeISH HD touch screen, which is all very strokable. But again, there are better games platforms. Try your laptop, or better still, an XBOX 360 or PS3. Now THERE’S gaming for you!

Q. What about all those lovely apps?
A. I have to concede this point. Although some of the apps are mind-numbingly pointless, there are many that stand out from the crowd as brilliant. You do need to ask yourself: do I want to pay out $100’s on a tablet just so I can access some nifty pieces of software?

For all of you who aren’t yet foaming at the mouth in rabid rage, watch out for Part Two tomorrow. If you can stand it…

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