Friday, June 4, 2010

iPad Tips and Tricks: Some Tricks of the iPad Trade Part 4 reposted by Andre Di Cioccio

20100603 widescreen iPad Tips and Tricks: Some Tricks of the iPad Trade Part 4

Welcome back to some more Tricks of the iPad Trade. On deck today are some tips and tricks that deal with typing on the iPad, viewing movies, slideshows, and more.

Learn how to copy and paste paragraphs

If you are doing a research paper, or want to email a blurb from a news article to a friend, you will likely have to copy and paste a paragraph. You don’t want to do this the slow and manual way, and the iPad allows for a quicker solution. Find the paragraph you want and tap on it four times. You now have the entire paragraph ready to be sent.

Take advantage of the iPad’s excellent keyboard

If you have used touch-screen phones in the past, you know that they are sometimes not the most accurate when it comes to typing. Some may register your input slowly, and others have the keys spaced too closely to one another. The iPad, however, is much better than this. You can type in a speedy manner using the iPad’s on-screen keyboard without having to worry about slow response time thanks to the iPad’s Apple A4 processor. The iPad’s large screen also allows for better keyboard real estate so your fingers won’t feel crammed while typing.

Go wide with movies

The iPad is a viable source for watching movies too. When you watch them, however, you want to make sure you get the most out of the viewing experience. Not all movies are the same, but some might look better in a widescreen format. You can enable this option by simply going to Settings>Video. From there select the Widescreen option, and you are good to go.

Jump to the top of websites in a flash

If you are on a web page that is particularly long and you want to get back to the top, you want to do so in the quickest manner possible. To scroll all the way back to the top is not only tiring, but it is a waste of time too. On the iPad, you can get to the top of a website by just tapping the top of the title window twice. Doing this will shoot you right to the top, without any hassle.

Don’t let a locked screen stop you from viewing photos

Even if you have your iPad locked, you can still view your favorite photos on the device. If you do not have any photos currently on the iPad, you will obviously not see this option. Once you do have a photo, though, you can enable a slideshow on the iPad while it’s locked. To achieve this, on the unlock screen select the option to start a slideshow, and you can now view your photos. If you want to customize the speed of the slides and how fast they change, you can do so by adjusting the slide timing under Settings.

The iPad tips and tricks have not run out yet, so stay tuned for more in Part 5 of this series.

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